Dominican Fair in Gdańsk 2021

Hot summer, in the centre of the old town in Gdańsk, at the Green Bridge, at stand number 10, we begin our beautiful adventure with the Dominican Fair.

"Why is it at the St. Dominic's Fair in Gdańsk for the first time? - I love to paint, but I do it primarily for myself, not others - modestly admits. - If I had a big house and money, I would not sell any of my paintings. For me, the most important thing, I love them all the same. My neighbour from Sopot, Ola, came to my studio last summer and when she saw my paintings, she decided to show them to the world, including at the Fair. " This is a quote from Jadwiga Hajdo's interview for Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto.

photo by Martyna Niećko

Aleksandra Goździelewska is the founder of L'arT and a graduate of business management. Fence to fence lives with Jadzia. One summer afternoon, enchanted by the energy flowing from Jadzia's fingers, she devised a brilliant plan to promote "Hajdoart".

The beginnings of the pandemic were not easy. In Amsterdam, in her apartment with white, empty walls, Ola organized an exhibition for Jadzi when the galleries were closed. She also organized a photo session, full of colours and abstract flowers, all in the company of friends, on the empty streets of the capital of the Netherlands, captured by the reliable Daria Berg, also an artist L'arT. When the opportunity appeared on the horizon, stand number 10 at the Green Bridge at the Dominican Fair in Gdańsk, Ola already felt this was the right direction. Together with Sylwia Dybich, the founder of, they created the most colourful and radiant artistic corner.

source: Wyborcza Trójmiasto