Beata Koszewska is a woman of incredible strength, who has overcome many life challenges. Along with her husband, they have built a company Art Gemelli - a jewelry workshop from scratch in the United Kingdom. They created and sold luxurious jewelry with amber. Living abroad and selling in a foreign language, Beata had to overcome her fears and obstacles, becoming a woman of great determination and ambition. The life has strengthened here even more when she went through a premature birth caused by a brain hemorrhage, which posed a threat to her life. She then gave birth to her beloved twin daughters, who unfortunately were affected by cerebral palsy. Taking care of them consumes most of her time. Knowing how important balance is to maintain her well-being, Beata has dedicated herself to artistic and social activities. She then discovered painting, which became her passion. The artist understood that being a happy and fulfilled woman is the key to her children's happiness.

For Beata Koszewska, painting is not only a passion but also a way to express emotions and cope with them. Her first painting was created in 2012 in Nottingham and was painted with oil paints, which were dried for 4 months. During this time, the artist bravely experimented with layers, giving her work a unique character. She owes the introduction to the world of acrylics and painting techniques to Jadwida Hajdo. The painter from Sopot, taught her many "tricks," opened up new perspectives, and unlocked Beata's creative potential. Now the artist paints with courage, creating even more and deriving even greater joy from the creative process. Painting for Beata is a way to get to know herself, better understand her own emotions, and accept and love herself.

Beata dreams of opening an art gallery, a place of inspiration and support for mothers with children with greater needs. She wants to give them the opportunity to discover themselves, do something special and show the world what they are capable of.